
Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi Valencienes
Order Clupeiformes
Clupeidae family
The length is usually up to 30—35 cm., less often up to 50 cm. The operculum is smooth, without grooves. Puberty comes at the age of 2—6. Fecundity ranges from 10 to 135 thousand eggs, benthic sticky eggs are laid on the ground or algae. They live up to 20 years or more.
Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
Order Salmoniformes
Salmonidae family
Pink salmon is a beautiful, strong, well-formed fish with silvery sides and belly and a dark back. It has small scales, large and dark spots on the caudal fin and small ones on the back. As a rule, it reaches no more than 60 cm in length, and weighs no more than 2.5 kg.
Pink salmon is the most numerous species in the Sakhalin-Kuril basin. It comes to spawn in almost all waterbodies, with the exception of rivers with highly mineralized water.
It is customary to divide the pink salmon of Sakhalin into two large stocks – the Japanese and the Pacific, the feeding grounds of which are respectively confined to the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. It spawns in the rivers of western and southeastern Sakhalin, Primorye and in the Amur basin.
Chum salmon (Onkorhynchus keta)
Order Salmoniformes
Salmonidae family
Two seasonal breeds: summer and autumn. The length of the summer chum salmon is about 60 cm, the weight is about 2.5 kg. Puberty comes at the age of 3—5. Spawning falls on August. Fecundity is about 3 thousand eggs. The length of the autumn chum salmon is up to 90 cm, the weight is up to 4.5 kg. Puberty comes at the age of 4. Fecundity is about 4 thousand eggs. During spawning, it acquires the nuptial dress. After spawning, it dies. The caviar is orange, up to 6.5—7 mm in diameter. Juveniles feed on invertebrates, adults in the sea — on fish.
Japan sea tangle
Saccharina japonica, Laminaria japonica, Laminaria ochotensis
Taxon: Laminariaceae family
Other names: kelp, kombu, tashima, haidai
Japan sea tangle is a large sea brown algae, the blade of which consists of a ribbon-like smooth or wrinkled laminae 10—35 cm wide, 1—13 m long in the lower part, turning into a cylindrical or squeezed cylindrical stipe 50—100 cm long. Its blade (thallus) is attached to the rocky ground by strongly developed root-like projections — holdfast. The edges of the laminae are smooth or wavy. The whole plant is permeated with mucus passages and lacunae. The lamina is destroyed annually, and a new lamina grows from the remaining stipe. The life span of sea tangle varies from 2 (in the Sea of Japan) to 3—4 years (in northern seas), depending on climatic conditions. Sporocarps (sporangia) mature from July to October. Microscopic female or male prothalli develop from the spores, forming gametal cells.
Japan sea tangle is common in the southern regions of the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk
Sea tangles grow, forming dense thickets in places with a constant current, making the so-called "laminaria belt" at a certain depth along the shores. Large underwater "algae forests" are usually formed at a depth of 4—10 m. On stony ground, sea tangle in some areas can be found up to a depth of 35 m.
To get the daily dose of iodine (in regions with iodine deficiency in water), it is enough for human to take about 30—40 grams of fresh sea tangle daily. Sea tangle is ill-advised for people with hypersensitivity to iodine.
Whelk (trumpeters or buccinidae).
Buccinidae is a family of sea gastropods from the order Neogastropoda.
Whelk is a carnivore. It feeds on carrion, decay products, bivalve molluscs, benthal echinoderms, worms, small fish and even other snails (this is the most easily-accessible food for the slow-moving mollusc). It has a stunningly keen sense of smell.
The mollusc will move by the sense of smell until it catches up with its prey. The gastropod whelk is considered the main enemy for mussel settlements that cannot stand up to this carnivore. In 2—3 hours, an adult snail is able to eat one individual, and in 10 days it reduces a mussel settlement by more than 100 units.
The mollusc is considered seafood delicatessen. Its meat is very tasty, nourishing, but at the same time low-calorie
The nutrition value per 100 grams of the mollusc flesh is 17 grams of pure protein, 3 grams of carbohydrates and only 0.5 grams of fat. The total energy content of the product is 24 kcal. Whelk flesh is rich in vitamins, mostly of group B, iodine and fluorine.
The mollusc is considered one of the most ancient animals on Earth. Fossil snails are attributed to the first Caenozoic Era — the beginning of the Paleogene.
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